Three Day Diary of Life in Lockdown

During the early days of lockdown in the UK where there was a lot of uncertainty and fear, many businesses including Womankind Magazine engaged with their customers by creating social media content that empowered the community to ride out and overcome COVID-19 together. I stumbled across an Instagram post by Womankind asking their readers from all over the world to share a Three Day Diary of Life in Lockdown which was going to be published on their online platform.

Here’s mine…


I am sitting at Tonkotsu. It’s my second time here. When I walked through the door I got asked to sanitise my hands. The waitress brings me water and my ramen noodle soup with her hands in clinical blue gloves. I actually really appreciate that the restaurant takes these precautions.

I had a strange but good job interview this morning. Dominika has not called me back just yet. I am hoping they are just busy and will get back to me tomorrow. I pray to Buddha and the gods of money to help me out!

While being free today, I also did some art on my blackboard. It is very pretty. It says abundance in the middle and I drew some Australian gum leaves on the side.




I woke up this morning with a text message from the recruiter. My other job interview for today has been cancelled. Danny the recruiter believes it is linked to coronavirus.

I was looking forward to framing my day around the job interview to help me feel productive and accomplished. The news brought down my mood so I stayed in bed for longer.

I did finally open the window and let the light in, put my phone on silent and picked up The Secret. I am borrowing it from my housemate Bianca. It’s quite inspiring to read a book. There was a really good section that talks about waking early so you can manifest and play out how your day will come about. I get this. This resonates.



It was hard to wake up this morning. But I looked forward to the jog with Bianca. I got up and was excited that there are eggs that we bought yesterday at the bulk buying organic store. It did cost 45 pence per egg. We also stocked up on olive oil and regular oil. I am feeling quite grateful that there is 3 of us in the house doing our bit and sharing love, food and company with each other.

Bianca also took out the sewing machine from the attic. We’re going to do some sewing lessons between us while we are unemployed.

Last night, I also made vegan Vietnamese banh canh for the house. I thought to do handmade noodles because I knew we were running out of pasta. And I wanted to be rolling some dough and making a yummy soup broth.

Me and my housemate Nick also ended our night with a movie. We watched The Elephant Man by David Lynch. We have been doing a David Lynch marathon since watching his documentary called The Art Life the other day.




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